The testimonials below are for Jan Goyvaerts’s original EditPad text editor, which was released in 1996 under a postcardware license. With the advent of EditPad Lite and EditPad Pro, also designed by Jan Goyvaerts, we now refer to the original EditPad as EditPad Classic. We did not edit the testimonials below to reflect the name change.
“Thanks, Jan. You are my hero, and I’m not kidding!”
I haven’t sent the postcard yet, but I will! EditPad is a small program that does one thing well. I have seen so many text editors that are 70 dollars US, 10 megabytes and include a to-do list, a phone book, and what all. Many of these same bloated programs cannot handle simple ANSI-OEM or UNIX-DOS conversions. What good does this do me? I want to type text into my computer. EditPad makes this easy. It does what it is supposed to do, and not other unimportant things. This is so contrary to the usual philosophy of Windows software that I want to give you a hug—and slap Bill Gates in the face.
“I’ve been using EditPad for over a year now, and absolutely feel claustrophobic in any other text editor! I begin to get a feeling of everything closing in on me! The room around, the floor, the door seems like its shut and won’t open, even the mouse seems like a danger. But when i open EditPad, Utopia... “
“I just want to express my sincere thanks to you for your creation. It’s great to see young, innovative, independent programmers such as yourself doing your thing to show the world that you don’t have to be under Bill Gates’ thumb to use better software. I just downloaded EditPad 3.3.1 and I’ll be sending you a postcard. Keep up the good work.
“Thanks Again!”
“Just wanted to let you know that our whole office is now dumping notepad and installing EditPad on EVERY desktop. It sure makes writing hundreds of lines of code easier! Thanks!”
“I know you won’t have time to answer this, but I simply have to tell you how much I love EditPad. I can’t stand HTML editors, but EditPad is perfect. Thanks SO MUCH!! I especially love the tabs across the top so I can have all my stuff out at once. I work on 6 different websites, and this is such a convenience.”
“I’m just writing to express my sincere thanks for EditPad!!! This is the ultimate text editor. I’ve tried countless editors, trying to find something that had ALL of the features I needed. Your EditPad wins hands down! I started writing my own text editor, but really got bored with the project when I realized exactly how much was involved. I felt like I’d never finish. Now, I don’t need to. I want to let you know that I realize what a back-breaking time you probably had writing this software. I’m sure a lot of people wouldn’t appreciate the work I’m sure you put into this and I hope my acknowledgement helps you feel good about the job you did (even appraisal from one person for one of my programs makes me quite happy). : )
“I could write all this on the postcard I’m going to send you, but I couldn’t wait to let you know what a great product I thought EditPad was! Pat yourself on the back. Great job!!”
“This isn’t just a Notepad replacement, it is THE NOTEPAD!!!
“I will also proudly display your “Made With EditPad“ Icon on every page I design!”
“A wise guy once said, ’To do more for the world than the world has done for you—that is success.’
“I think that you are a success.”
“I received your email confirming your receipt of the postcard. I just wanted to say (again) how refreshing it is to find a professional programmer who writes high-quality software and allows the user public (people like me) to use it. EditPad is a pleasure to use, is versatile, intuitive, and is worth much more than the price you charge for it.
“Again, thanks!”
“I know you’ve heard this a million times, but EditPad _is_ the best text editor I’ve found. I love it so much that I carry it with me everywhere I take my disks (I have it on 3-4 disks with me), and use it in all my programming.
Thank goodness Microsoft wrote a crummy editor, otherwise we wouldn’t have EditPad. Keep up the good work, and thanks again!”
“EditPad now on the system a cherry on a cake...EditPad in my night dreams and an easy job session just begins....really this poetry comes from my heart and want to be a way to show how much I appreciated this program.”
“Just another thanks for providing us net surfers with such a nice program. I don’t use notepad any more. What a difference! The attention to detail is superb, the ease of use and versatility can only be termed as exemplary! Microsoft could use some lessons from you on how to enhance a basic program.
“Keep up the good work, your program is well appreciated by this user!”
“The EditPad has made my life so much easier! It’s beautifully made. How I wish Microsoft had you at its head. THANK YOU!”
“One word on your software: Brilliant
“Keep up the good work.”
“Downloaded your EditPad 2.3.0 the other day. I must say it is one of the best thought out pieces of software that I have seen.
“Every time I have said “wish I could....” - sure enough when I look I CAN. And your dialog box messages are classics. They bring a smile each time I cause one to display.
“Thanks for giving it to us.”
“EditPad is gewoonweg beestig goed. Microsoft kan daar eens aan gaan ruiken.”
“I wouldn’t say Edit Pad is a replacement of Notepad. I would say that it should have been the Notepad included in Windows 95. It’s the best.”
“Je n’ai jamais eu autant de plaisir à travailler avec un éditeur de texte que l’on place quasiment dans sa poche.
“Ce petit NotePad me sert de fourre-tout dans des domaines les plus inusités.
“MERCI BEAUCOUP pour cette nouvelle version 2.2”
“Have tried MANY NotePad replacements but none “kick butt” like EditPad.
“Excellent job, JG! My postcard is on the way. Thanks...”
“I like your program so much I’ll be sending two local postcards! I’ve reached the Holy Grail of text editors! It is the quickest, easiest to use and most intuitive of the numerous text editors I’ve tried recently and I like the graphics in the dialog boxes.”
“Bill Gates should really pay you about a million dollars (or the equivalent in Belgian money) and buy EditPad for incorporation into Windows 97.”
“I love EditPad! I just downloaded it yesterday and I already think it’s the best thing since sliced bread.”
“Hey, EditPad is quality software! [...]
“Also, I really like the concept of PostCardWare. While freeware is good, at least this way the author gets some recognition for his/her work. When I get a spare moment, the postcard will come.”
“Your EditPad application is fantastic, you don’t know how much I appreciate it. Also it is well worth the cost! [...]
“I have also installed your program on several of my friends computers and have urged them to send a card as well. [...]
“And once again Thank-You for creating a wonderful utility that I use almost daily.”
“Hey, thanks for a great little editor. Always wanted file tabs, with text dragging and write block. Dynamite!!!”
“What I like about Editpad is it’s design. It does not suffer from unnecessary features, and the features it does have are intuitively chosen and designed by someone who has obviously used a text editor before :)”
“I know you want postcards, so I’ve sent you one. But I wanted you to know that EditPad is probably the best Notepad replacement I’ve seen. I like it a lot, and thanks for making it available.”
“In my hard disk, there was a small war between text editors. But, it seems that EditPad will be the only survivor. And I hope so.
“Thank you for this good thing!”
“I reeeeeally like you text editor EditPad! My postcard will be arriving soon!
“My first impression is very favorable. I have tried out quite a few NotePad replacements, and I do believe this is going to be my text editor of choice. Everything works exactly as advertised ...
“Thanks for making this excellent text editor publicly available. My registration postcard will follow.”
“I downloaded a copy of your excellent EditPad application from your web site yesterday & I think it’s excellent - better than any of the other Notepad replacements that I’ve tried so far.”